Discrete Urban Space and Connectivity
SA(Social Algorithms) 2020, Computational Design
Subtitle: Partition & Relationship
Data Structure, Graph, Matrix, Pixel, Voxel, Discretization, Partition, Connection, SearchWorkshop Reference
1. Computational Design Thinking for Designers — link(Eng)
2. Data & Design — link(Eng) — link(KR)
!We are able to answer these questions below.
how to capture and process spatial data in design
Relationship among data in a space
Discrete a space into parts
1. Graph
Graph is a mathematical object that consists of set of points and edges, dealing with discrete information.
Graph is widely used for computation, discrete mathematics or representing relational data structures, and It has explicit relationship among vertices by edges visualizing the topological aspect such as street network of urban, highway or the subway map, whose graphs closely resemble their physical form due to its characteristics.
2. Pixel / Voxel (Volumetric Element)
- Voxel could be considered as a set of image(pixel)
Voxel is a 3 dimensional grid containing pixels can have rich data set including R, G, B, A values. It is frequently utilized for visualization of scientific or medical data which is needed for volumetric representation.
Voxel for geometry in space is a discretized space of geometry where it has a beam or node are connecting but as a continuous map in space. This is basically an idea that an object become a 3 dimensional map.
3. Partition
Linear regression, KNN , Support vector machine, Random Forest, CNN, Tensorflow Playground
Delaunay triangulation / Voronoi diagram
Discrete space — Space Partitioning
Quad Tree / Octree / Bin System
Axis(AABB) / Distance
Clustering Points: Collision-Based Dynamic Graph method — link
4. Connectivity
GRAPH — link
Graph Data Structure for Spatial data — link(KR)
Social network as Graph — link
Transportation as Graph (Street, freeway(highway), subway, sky way…)
Folder structure as Graph — link
Programming executions as Graph — link
Zoning as Graph — link
Associative geometry — link
Interface — link / link
Network for ML — linkStructure — link, link
Mesh(Polygon) as Graph — link
Mesh from Rhino3d: linkNJSTUDIO Presentation slide
Data structure as Graph
JSON /GeoJSON as Graph
Matrix (link) Pixel(link) and Voxel(link) as Graph
Directed Graph / Undirected Graph / Mixed Graph / Weighted Graph
… Multigraph / Bipartite Graph / DAG(Directed Acyclic Graph)
Graph Data Structure And Algorithms — link
DFS / BFS examples — CodePen
3. Example
Rigid body: link
Agent Boids System A: link
Agent Boids System B: link
Rect Pos Optimizer: link
Graph system: link
Three, Terrain, pixel map(matrix): link
Rhino Grasshopper, Terrain, pixel map(matrix): link
Three, Voxel map: link